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Astrological signs on ancient clock Torre dell'Orologio, Venice, Italy. Medieval Zodiac wh
Image by Josh Rangel

Why Astrology?

Astrology is a boundless field of study. By observing the sky, one can begin to unravel our natural state and the purpose we bring to one another throughout time. The deeper we explore it, the higher we ascend. Astrology is a tool that can be used like a road map, a GPS application or a personal spirit guide. When we feel lost, uncertain or discouraged with life, it's there for us to turn to. It reminds us that everything is for a reason and there's always a way forward.
We all have a unique path ahead of us. I look forward to guiding you through it!

Looking Through Telescope


I use modern principles of astrology (tropical and evolutionary) that I customize in my approach to every individual session. My mission is to bring clarity, confirmation and comfort to those whom need it the most.


Like a fingerprint, everyone has an exclusive chart, by interpreting these charts, one can determine how to undergo the same experiences in more mindful, practical and positive manners. Through these interpretations, one can live authentically and subsequently take more authority over their lives. 



Zodiac Chart
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